Thursday, October 18, 2012

Women & Orgasms

DISCLAIMER: Before you read this, know that there is graphic content within this blog post. If you are easily offended or disgusted, or you just see me as a square who would NEVER talk or type like this, please go to the top right-hand corner, and click the X. You have been warned.  

Courtesy of Google Images
It's very fulfilling to a woman when she can have an orgasm, whether it is self-induced or not. A woman, after a certain age, should definitely be able to make herself orgasm. If a guy can get a woman to orgasm, he's doing something quite right. Well...what about those men who don't? The ones you have to FAKE for?

Women fake orgasms for a couple of reasons. They normally fake it because a man isn't doing a good job down below. Usually, a guy thinks he's doing something SPECTACULAR down there but he's not really paying attention to his woman to see if she's actually enjoying it. All he is thinking of is how his body is feeling. That's usually the guy who finishes and after catching his breath asks, "Did you c*m?" If a woman has made absolutely no sound of pleasure during the X amount of minutes of your sexual intercourse, chances are, she didn't. After sex, if a woman is laying there STARING at you silently, chances are, she didn't. If a man has to ask if a woman orgasmed or not, chances are, she didn't. You SUCK. Most women know how fragile the male ego is when it comes to his penis and his abilities in the sack. As women, we do these men an injustice. They're walking around thinking they are the bomb dot com (thank you, Tamar Braxton, for coining that fabulously awesome phrase) and in reality? THEY SUCK! They are not good. The technique sucks. The strokes suck. Just everything about everything sucks. We don't want to hurt feelings. We don't want to make them feel bad. But they continue to have sex with you or other women thinking they they are the Hercules' of sexual capability when they are more like Hades, the god of HELL.

A woman fakes it because sometimes, you men take too freakin' long to "get yours." After a while, it becomes uncomfortable for the woman so she fakes it to speed up the process. It's annoying that you're doing all this work, sweating, breathing all hard, and for what? She's turned off by now and you're still pumping. Look, it's very "romantic" and all to "make love until the sun comes up." But really? No. It shouldn't take you more than 30 minutes to ejaculate. Even then, that can be a long time for some women, but if a guy is calling himself "holding back" and trying to please the woman, then 30 minutes is ample time for both parties to "get theirs." 

A woman fakes it because she's just not in the mood and she wants you to go ahead and get yours because you men sometimes are big ass babies when it comes to wanting sex. No matter if we truly have headaches or we're sick or we're sore or just not 100% or just DON'T WANT IT AT THAT MOMENT, y'all whine and beg and plead and nag until we give in. Some men even go as far as to say, "If you don't, someone else will." (If a man says that to you, let him. Pray that he catches something that makes it burn fire when he pees. And then dump him because he doesn't respect you.). Women do what it takes to please the men we care for and love. Sometimes, at the sake of what we want. We give in. But because we're not in the mood, it's dry. Literally and figuratively. We fake it so that a man can get turned on more thinking, "Ha, I knew I'd get her in the mood," and he can do his thing more quickly.

Women, let's stop making these guys feel that they are good in bed when actually they are not. They need to be taught how to please us and do the right things for our bodies. Porn has made them delusional and given them unrealistic expectations. Let's put a stop to the madness. We have to start a movement. The "Help Them F***, Not SUCK" movement. It'll make a whole lot of women a whole lot happier. When a woman is happy, everyone else is. Trust me.

And for your reading pleasure, please read a poem that I penned describing an experience one has had regarding this very issue. It is a graphic erotica piece, so if the blog post made you uncomfortable, even after the written disclaimer, this poem will definitely get you sweating. FYI. 

By Constance G.

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