Wednesday, October 10, 2012


I don't know why people cheat. If you don't want to be with someone, DON'T BE WITH THEM! People say how complicated it is to leave someone. Yeah, so take the "easy" road by cheating. SMH! Excuse my language, but I f***in' HATE cheaters. I really, truly do.

I cheated one time. I regret it to this day. I cheated on my first boyfriend with the man who ended up being my child's father. I was 23 and highly naive. Why did I cheat? I cheated because I was curious about what else was out there. I dated my first boyfriend for 5 years. He is the guy I lost my virginity to. I just had to know my other options. When I met my CF, I was very conflicted. "I can't do this to my boyfriend. But I want this guy so badly. I am going to hurt him. But I can't stop myself. Yes I can if you really wanted to. But I'm tired of being in the box as a goody-goody." It was constant conflict within myself. I cheated and felt so awful about it, that I told my boyfriend the next day. And he forgave me. He wanted to take it one day at a time. I knew I hurt him and I felt lower than dirt because he didn't deserve what I did to him. I decided to go ahead and break it off with him because while I cared so much about my soon-to-be ex-boyfriend, I knew I didn't want to stop seeing the new guy. 

I have not cheated since. 

I feel that if you truly care about someone, you should tell them how you feel. Be honest about your thoughts. I think people should do what is necessary to fix the problems within their relationships because too many people avoid their issues and just cheat thinking another person can help them deal. Cheating is a very selfish act that affects the very people you claim to respect, love, and care for. If you're THAT unhappy, don't bring another person down with your sneaky behavior. LEAVE! 

And my God, if you are MARRIED! Those who are married and cheat ought to go play in traffic! You vowed to love, honor, cherish, blah blah blah this other person and because things aren't where you want them to be, you decide to bring a third, usually unsuspecting, party in the mix. I think it's disrespectful not only to your spouse but also hurtful for the third party because more likely than not, that person will catch feelings that a cheater won't be able to ease. 

If you are in a relationship and you decide to cheat, I think it's the right thing to do (how ironic) to be honest and upfront (again, how ironic) with the third party and give them the choice to deal with you or not. If the third party decides to allow the cheating, then he/she can't claim to be in the dark because they know everything upfront. 

Cheaters play a dangerous game. People die behind cheating. When you play with people's emotions and feelings as if it's truly just some random game, then you are definitely playing with fire. To be safe and avoid unnecessary drama, just don't cheat!

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