Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Exodus

As you know, I have been unemployed for 15 months and struggling to find a job in my hometown of Beaumont, TX. It's been tough making sure my bills are paid and my daughter is taken care of. But I've made it. And now...I'm moving. I am FINALLY relocating to the Dallas/Fort Worth area and I'm super excited. I love that place and I KNOW I will find a job up there because the jobs are abundant. I will miss my family and my friends here in Beaumont and they don't want us to leave (probably more because of my daughter) but I am tired of being broke. Tired of feeling like I'm wasting my life. I have got to work. Get my sense of purpose back.

I was going to stay with my best friend who offered his place for me a couple of months back. The closer it got to it actually happening, he sort of kind of reneged on me. It hurt and disappointed me a lot because I knew how he felt about me being down in Beaumont and that I couldn't grow professionally down here. I planned my move around his offer. Well, I went into survival mode and placed an ad (a status lol) about needing to be "adopted" by someone in Dallas so that I could have a place to stay. The first and only person to respond was my child's dad's sister. 

I had met her for the first time about 2 years ago. I was nervous because I didn't know how she would take me because of my relationship with her brother. But she was super cool and very down to earth...completely unexpected. If anything, she was on MY side. I hung out with her again with her other brother and they were both just really cool people that I could see myself hanging out with regularly. 

With that being said, I'm very excited to finally be able to move and have a place to stay. It actually works out because I'll have my own space and my daughter could have her own as well (even though she would probably share most of it with her slightly younger cousin). It sure beats sleeping on a couch! It'll also be cool because my daughter will have someone to play with. She won't be completely alone up there. After talking to my "sister-in-law," I feel very comfortable moving there and I also feel that I won't be "rushed" to move there and move out, even though I plan on staying no longer than 3 months. 

I'm just grateful that she offered her assistance to help me transition and get back on my feet. The longer my life goes on, the more I realize that dealing with my child's dad has a lot of benefits disguised as different things. He might even blow a gasket when he finds out, because he will. *child support* 

After 5 1/2 years, I'm finally moving back and while I'm stoked about it, it is a bittersweet feeling. I have established many relationships down here and created a comfortable, routine life for my daughter. In the long run, it's the best decision for both of us.

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