Thursday, November 22, 2012

Abandon friend...ship?

I have a friend that I used to call "best friend" and now this friend is more like just a friend that I've known longer than all the others. It's been going this way for quite some time. Not sure how but it has. Well, I spoke to this friend's mom today and she told me that my friend had to speak to a surgeon about a cyst that was found. I was shocked because of course, I didn't know. 

I go to visit my friend at work to check on her and she doesn't seem to care that I'm there. No biggie. She's at work and probably tired, especially since she was by herself. I asked her about her cyst and she says, "Yeah. I've known for 2 months. Yep. 2 months." I hope I didn't read too much into this, but she said it as if it's my fault that I didn't know that. So then we just talk about old friends of ours and then her place of business starts getting busy so I step to the side to let her work. Once I noticed it wasn't quieting down any time soon, I walked up to her and said that we (my daughter and I) would be leaving. 

Her: "You know you can call me." 
Me: "I know that."
"Yeah, you can text me, too. If you called, I'd answer."
"I know..."
"Yeah, I don't facebook like that."

"You can also come by."
"Well, you know I'm leaving for Dallas next month."
"Yeah. Yeah. I know. You can still call." 
"You know you can always call me, too."
"Yeah. But you can call me."
"Well, I was going to come by more often since I'm taking off next month."
"Alright. Bye then."

It was the most awkward conversation I've ever had with her. It was almost like she was reprimanding me for not initiating conversation with her. The whole time, she was talking to me like I was a child. She also didn't seem to care that I was leaving for Dallas. I know she's been wanting to go back north for quite some time. There has always been some underlying rivalry between us so me beating her to the punch may not necessarily sit well with her. To say we used to be best friends, she didn't congratulate me or wish me well. 

She doesn't facebook often, but she does facebook. I had her as a favorite so anything she did on facebook, I received a notification about it. However, I'm addicted to fb so I understand what she means by "I don't facebook like that."

As far as communicating, I will take partial blame for it. I don't call, text, or visit the way I used to. I have my reasons, which may seem petty, but they also seem justified. One, she works and I don't. Her hours are all over the place so I'd rather not call or text because I know she couldn't answer anyway. Two, the last few times I have texted her, her responses seemed standoffish like I was bothering her. Turned me off a little bit. Three, because I don't have a job, I can't afford to use up gas the way I used to. She lives across town from me and it's hard to go see her as much. However, she passes my area up to and from work and she not once stops by. Ever. 

Communication goes both ways. I shouldn't be held solely responsible for keeping up the lines of communication. If you want to call, call. If you want to text, text. If you know I stay on facebook, then shoot me a message. I didn't appreciate feeling like I was completely in the wrong when it came to us talking.

I've noticed that we're not as close as we used to be. She seems more and more annoyed with me which in turn, makes me withdraw more and more. I feel bad for her health issues and the fact that she still stays at home, regardless if it's helping her family out or not, but I'd hope I'd be an outlet for all that, not something contributing to her bothers. She prefers to shop with other friends. Shopping has never been my forte. She likes to go out of town and paint the town red. I can't afford to go out of town just for the hell of it and waste money. I have priorities. Our likes aren't similar. What we find to be most important aren't alike anymore. 

We're growing apart. 

It stings a little because we used to be so close but things happen. I don't know what goes on in her life anymore other than her shopping, working long hours, going out to eat, and driving out of town. I'm assuming she knows nothing of what's going on in my world because she doesn't ask. I stopped calling her my best friend a long time ago because I didn't feel that we were in all honesty. I think we gave each other that title because we've known each other for over 20 years. Just seemed right. 

I did tell her and her mom that I would visit more and make a better effort to communicate. I know she won't call, text, or come by and I feel that she's putting it all on me, which is fine. I have one more month here. I can do all the footwork on our disintegrating relationship until *poof* it goes up in smoke. I will always care about her. She has done a lot for me over the years but this past couple of's like our friendship is non-existent. I'm not depressed over it but I'm not leaping with joy, either. I actually think it's kind of sad but what can I do? She feels that she doesn't have to do anything and she can do just that: nothing. But relationships, ALL KINDS, take both parties to do work and it won't if it's one-sided. 

I have learned this year, particularly during this time of unemployment where I can actually sit and think, that I don't have as many CLOSE friends as I thought I had. I'm really excited to go back up to DFW and have a fresh start by meeting new people and beginning new friendships during this new chapter in my life. I have great friends that I will always cherish but apparently, some of the CLOSE ones that I considered to be at the top of my "Friendship Ladder" have crawled their way down the rungs. Guess that's life. 

Am I buggin?

1 comment:

  1. I had a BFF that went to back to when I was 16. It was her and I all the time. People said our names like it was one name! We are not even friends on facebook anymore. Not everyone that comes into our lives will be permanent. In fact, most will not be. It does take two-way communication to maintain a friendship. I felt like I "chased" her for 8 years before I finally had to let her go.


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