My sorority sister and I went to our region's area meeting in Longview, TX. We had a great time and met new Sorors. She drove there and I drove her vehicle back. As we conversed, my phone rings. It's my mother wanting me to talk to my daughter. My daughter is a praise dancer at church and she has a performance on Sunday. I asked my mom to record it for me and she told me no because I should be there to see it for myself. Obviously I can't because I work on Sundays. I was upset because I like seeing special moments with my daughter and I can't see this one because my mom is being her usual, difficult self.
Well, I'm talking to my Sister about the whole situation saying how my mom can be mean for no reason, as if she's punishing me or something, and "woop woop," there's flashing lights. I get pulled over in Davalla, TX (very small hick town) for going 62 in a 45. I'm upset because it's a damn speed trap and because I'm driving someone else's vehicle. I knew I would get a ticket because it's such a small town and they need all the money they can get. The cop asks me why was I speeding and I say, "I'm just trying to get home." I should have told him that I was on my period and I was about to have an accident if I didn't get to the nearest store QUICK. But I've never been a good liar. And of course, I get a citation. I have to call them and I'm sure I'll be paying a fine or something I can't afford. I'll take defensive driving because my driving record is flawless (thanks to defensive driving lol).
Usually, when a cop stops me, I'm cautious about my speed. About 30 minutes later, I see flashing lights. "Woop woop." I'm in Lumberton, TX and apparently I was speeding AGAIN doing the SAME speed limit in a 40/45 mph zone. That's what I get for talking about sex and other inappropriate topics. I was prepared to use my period excuse but he never asked me why I was speeding. When the cop walks away with my license, I begin to cry because I'm about to get 2 tickets in the same day within the same someone else's vehicle. My Sister says that it's okay, that's she's not upset, but I can't help it. He comes back and tells me that he's going to give me a verbal warning (THANK GOD!!!!!!!!) and he appreciated me being courteous since I turned onto a side street to avoid the highway. He actually kinda made my night.
I told my sorority sister that I loved her but apparently, I can't talk and drive the right speed at the same time so I was going to ignore her. She laughed and tricked me into talking to her. But we made it safely into Beaumont with no more "woop woops." Her Chrysler had a lot of pick up and go so I blame her vehicle for being so easy to drive. lol
So...technically, this is all her fault and I think she should pay my ticket or at least for my defensive driving class. Don't you agree? lol
Well, I'm talking to my Sister about the whole situation saying how my mom can be mean for no reason, as if she's punishing me or something, and "woop woop," there's flashing lights. I get pulled over in Davalla, TX (very small hick town) for going 62 in a 45. I'm upset because it's a damn speed trap and because I'm driving someone else's vehicle. I knew I would get a ticket because it's such a small town and they need all the money they can get. The cop asks me why was I speeding and I say, "I'm just trying to get home." I should have told him that I was on my period and I was about to have an accident if I didn't get to the nearest store QUICK. But I've never been a good liar. And of course, I get a citation. I have to call them and I'm sure I'll be paying a fine or something I can't afford. I'll take defensive driving because my driving record is flawless (thanks to defensive driving lol).
Usually, when a cop stops me, I'm cautious about my speed. About 30 minutes later, I see flashing lights. "Woop woop." I'm in Lumberton, TX and apparently I was speeding AGAIN doing the SAME speed limit in a 40/45 mph zone. That's what I get for talking about sex and other inappropriate topics. I was prepared to use my period excuse but he never asked me why I was speeding. When the cop walks away with my license, I begin to cry because I'm about to get 2 tickets in the same day within the same someone else's vehicle. My Sister says that it's okay, that's she's not upset, but I can't help it. He comes back and tells me that he's going to give me a verbal warning (THANK GOD!!!!!!!!) and he appreciated me being courteous since I turned onto a side street to avoid the highway. He actually kinda made my night.
I told my sorority sister that I loved her but apparently, I can't talk and drive the right speed at the same time so I was going to ignore her. She laughed and tricked me into talking to her. But we made it safely into Beaumont with no more "woop woops." Her Chrysler had a lot of pick up and go so I blame her vehicle for being so easy to drive. lol
So...technically, this is all her fault and I think she should pay my ticket or at least for my defensive driving class. Don't you agree? lol